Beginner in Website Building
As a media and content creator, it is important to be familiar with the technological options available for presenting the content of different media over the Internet. This page delivers my learning stage of writing Web pages with the HyperText Markup Language (HTML) and Cascading Style Sheet (CSS), as well as using Javascript to program interactive Web pages. The purpose of learning to build a website is to design Web applications to showcase my artwork in the future if required. However, many websites builders, which are very handy and user interface enough, such as Wix, WordPress, and more, are available nowadays for people, even non-professional website builders, to build their website. Learning HTML, CSS, and Javascript seem to become unnecessary for the basic creators. But I think these knowledge are extremely important, serving to be the fundamental of building a website. It helps me to create more possible outcomes for website construction, helping my building workflow become more flexible. It is also a very helpful guide for me to work with WordPress, in terms of creating custom, unique pages.
Learning of CSS
- Click to expand the image for details
Margin, Border, Padding
Final Project: ThisAV: Animal Meme Entertainment Website
ThisAV Website Preview
- Click to expand the image for details