Abstract Animation


Max Hattler, Dr. from City University of Hong Kong

Production Members:

Sound and music are key components of the moving image, explore the concept of visual music, how rhythm, timing, and counterpoint can structure or disrupt our reading of the abstract motion. A good abstract animation can deliver the art expressions of feeling/emotion, the environment, the concept, and even help viewers to immersive into the work, simulate what the artist wants the video to give out. With the historical and contemporary approaches, experimenting on an abstract motion and image direction also help me to understand the narrative and non-narrative modes of negotiating meanings. It is a project using a conceptual tool for time-based media and beyond.

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Software: After Effect

The animation experiment mainly on the use of the texture of charcoal and line in pursuit of Galaxy adventure. The video help viewer to fly through the space constructed by line and moving image, immerse their sensation into the work in an untraditional and artistic way. The sounds of the motions were also created by me, to establish the timing and counterpoint transition. Funky and electrical sounds enhance the creative and uptrend experimental feeling. Fitting in the timing helps audiences to immerse. In the image aspect, The charcoal image sources were first drawn in the paper and then scanned into After Effect to conduct motion production. It is abstract, yet, the environment concept is successfully shown.

Simples for the Work

Work’s Still Images (preview)


Software: After Effect

Music: “Camouflaged” by Julien Mier, 2016 King Deluxe

This animation was based on the music and its rhymes to elaborate. Visualizing the music atmosphere that fits the rhythm is our objective to start our experiments. The music pieces made by M. Julien provide a great imaginative direction for us. At first, the fast-paced melody gives us a hustle feeling, yet the drums and sounds selection has its softness almost relatable to nature. As the transition of the music goes, space has been expanded, leading us to come to many different parts of the forest, indicating its development. Coincidentally, Our most familiar source of images would no double be the unique style of Hong Kong buildings which was called “The Concrete Forest”. With such fitting characteristics, many pictures of Hong Kong street facilities, buildings have been taken and cut out into individual parts, recombining them into abstract motion, achieving our goal, yet, introducing our viewer into the soft and fast-paced growing forest.

Abstract Animation: Artist Study